RFQ Information

RFQ Inquiries:

Question 1: Can you provide us with a map that highlights the area of the park property?
Answer: See Below

Question 2: Has a topographic survey been prepared for the property and if so will that be provided to the selected consultant in AutoCad format?
Answer: Not yet - This will be completed by the selected firm.

Question 3: Can you share with us a higher resolution file of Concept Plan v1.3 that is one the website? We are unable to discern information from the plan as is on the website.
Answer: See Below

Question 4: Is there a desire to provide electrical service and lights to the shelter?
Answer: Yes

Question 5: Is there a desire to provide electric service and sports court lighting to the court area?
Answer: No

Question 6: Is there any other site lighting desired?
Answer: Motion sensor lighting near the restroom, pavilion and behind the fire department’s garage.

Question 7: Regarding the permanent restroom facility, are water, electric and wastewater connections available, and if so approximately where are they located near or on the property?
Answer: Water and electric will come from the fire department’s garage through the wall that the restroom will be located on. Wastewater will be connected to the fire department’s septic system, located behind the fire department’s building that is connected to the garage.

Answer 8: Regarding the permanent restroom facility is it proposed to be located outside of the flood hazard area of French Creek or is it proposed to be in it? If proposed within the Flood Hazard Area of the creek we’ll need to go through additional steps to see if we can gain approval.
Answer: The restroom will be located outside of the flood hazard area.

Answer 9: Depth to ground water - do you know generally the level of ground water below the existing grade? Being close to the stream there may be a high ground water level in the areas of proposed improvement.
Answer: No, likely French Creek

Question 10: Does the site typically flood, and if so what is the approximate frequency of flooding, i.e. once a year, once every five years, etc.?
Answer: The site does not flood. The park is protected by a high bank. The soil is very well drained with the exception of two areas: beneath the proposed sport court and on the north-west corner of the property.

Question 11: Has a wetland delineation been completed for the site, particularly in the area of the proposed kayak launch access?
Answer: There is a 100-year flood plain that abuts the park (see below), and we are going through what is called an “8-step process” to make the public aware there is a project proposed that is close to a waterway. There is not a wetland in the park, but near the park (essentially French Creek itself, see below), based on the National Wetland Inventory mapper.

Question 12: Regarding the permanent restroom facility, do you desire a custom designed restroom, or a pre-fabricated unit such as a CXT building (http://www.cxtinc.com/buildings-restroom.html)? A custom designed restroom will require us to add an Architect to our team.
Answer: A pre-fabricated unit

Question 13: Has a PNDI search been completed and are there any species of special concern (rare, threatened or endangered species) than need to be to be cleared through the PNDI process? I’m assuming there might be some associated with impacts to French Creek with the proposed canoe access. If a PNDI search has been completed can you share the results with us?
Answer: Yes, a PNDI search has been completed and there are species of special concern (see below).

PUBLIC NOTICE: Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Professional Engineering Services

Borough of Venango, PA – Karl Gerdon Park Improvement Project 

The Borough of Venango, Crawford County, PA, is seeking proposals from qualified engineering firms to assist with the implementation of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) funded project.

Eligible firms will develop plans and improvements for an existing recreational facility within the Borough. The scope of this service requires both architectural design and engineering work. A firm will be retained to prepare plans and specifications to execute the park designs, including establishing cost estimates and timelines, and providing inspection on completed projects. 

Firms will be evaluated and selected based on qualifications as set forth in the RFQ. The Borough of Venango will seek to negotiate a contract with a firm that it determines is most qualified to perform the required services. 

Copies of the RFQ are available by clicking on the link below or by emailing Jessica Graft, Borough Council Vice President at jessi.graf@gmail.com.

Inquiries can also be made by email at jessi.graf@gmail.com. Each submission shall contain one digital copy of the RFQ proposal.

Proposals must be submitted by 5:00 PM, Wednesday, December 21, 2022. 

Proposals should be submitted as follows: 

Jessica Graf, Council Vice President, Venango Borough, at jessi.graf@gmail.com and venangoborough@hotmail.com. 

Thank you!

Jessica Lewis

Jessica is a voiceover artist, leadership coach, entrepreneur, and hobby macro photographer.

Most importantly, she’s a wife & mom of 3, living a simple, beautiful life in northwest Pennsylvania.


Park Update!


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